"Lifting personal and world energies through awareness, intention and affirmative prayer."



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Public Service

"Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today."

Listen to Evolution:

God Prayer

Dear God,

What can I say that You do not know before I speak?

Your force travels through my body and mind.

My thoughts travel on Your wavelengths.

To the ends of the Universe they go—

—coming back to me with the fruits of my intent.

It is not You who punishes me, Dearest, but my thoughts.

They unleash my own fears and malice against me.

Lord, You know my hurts.

You know who I really am.

You know the best and the worst of me.

And You know I am sick of talk.

I demand, instead, a revelation.

Fill me with your energy; help me decree I am transformed.

Help me keep my thoughts aligned with Your Immense Joy.

Reach into my heart and awaken me to the truth of You.

For You know everything there is to know about me.

Still you love me still, and never will You stop loving me.

You will remain with me throughout eternity, for you delight in me.

You are my closest friend—

—my steady companion throughout life and after death.

So from this day forward,

I shut my mouth before condemning others using Your name,

For your name is a blessing.

From this day I cease believing those

Who would use Your scripture

To justify bigotry, violence or selfishness.

From this day, only good issues from me, for I am born of You.

Gently, You teach me to choose love over fear

And forgiveness over condemnation.

I see how everything is a call for love, a call for compassion,

And a call for giving.

I choose to be a clear channel for Your good.

I choose to vibrate with Your Truth.

I choose to open myself to love.

And You are so proud of me.

Your faith in me is absolute as You teach me faith in myself.

You sent Your Son believing that I can learn

And I vow to fulfill this destiny.

I use Your power as Jesus taught—

—to raise the world out of want and into joy.

O, Lord, I always love You even when I feel anger or hurt.

I thank You - humbly - for always, always loving me.

I feel You close to me, closer than my own breath.

I know You are ready to intervene on my behalf

In love and goodness.

I know You are ready to create a new world for my delight.

Your patience and love fills me.

Your glory and magnificence thrills me.

You created me, You know me, You believe in me. And You love me.

Words are inadequate to tell You of my love for You.

Listen, instead, to the beating of my heart.

Thank You, God.

And so it is.

Beautiful book of prayers and affirmations for uplifting the spirit and changing your life for the better.

September 5th: I Am Divinely Energized

Prayerforce: 365 daily prayers

Available as an ebook or hard cover volume.

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Pandia Publishing "Be The Light"

Prayerforce.Org ©2003 Clyo Beck

Background Image Courtesy Nicole Campbell